Tips On How You Can Control The Dust Produced During Demolition

Rarely does a demolition task fail to produce dust. And as the owner of a demolition plant, it is your responsibility to keep the dust controlled at all times. Most of the dust produced like silica can pose a serious threat to the health of your workers and the local residents. In addition, your demolition equipment may become saturated with dust to a point that it will cause engine wear. From a financial perspective, this will increase your operational costs. The following guide explains how you can keep the dust down using modern dust control techniques.

Health Issues Related To The Dust

One medical condition linked with inhalation of the dust produced during demolition is histoplasmosis. The disease is caused by the spores of a fungus that is mainly found in bat excrement and bird droppings. The fungus enters the human system when it is mixed with the dust that is generated at the site of demolition. It then attacks the lungs and weakens the body. Its symptoms include fever, headaches, joint and muscle pains, loss of appetite, and shortness of breath. At times, the disease appears as mild flu.

The Old Water Spray Method No Longer Works

If you have been using the old method of spraying water in the demolition site using a fire hose, it is time to ditch it. This is because the method is now considered ineffective and consumes large amounts of water. But more importantly, the water may run off and transport hazardous waste and chemicals from the site. These chemicals may find their way into the homes of the local residents and endanger their lives.

Modern Methods Of Dust Control

According to the CEO of Dust Control Technology, Edwin Peterson, the modern way of controlling dust at demolition sites should use a principle that keeps the dust particles down on the ground. And hence, you should invest in machines that use atomized spray systems to generate water droplets such as the DustBoss machine. These machines generate water droplets that range from 50 to 200 microns (one millionth of a metre) in size. Water droplets of this size are so small that you can feel them but you cannot get wet.

Their purpose is to collide with the dust particles and increase the gravity of the particles to a point that they can no longer float in the air. The droplets are dispersed into the air by a fan system that also moves them in a laminar flow. This implies that the droplets flow in parallel layers with little distraction between them. On their way, they join with the dust particles and force the particles to the ground.

For more information and details, talk with other local demolition companies, like Roach Demolition & Excavations.
